Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ten-Thousand Years (Shabari's Song--Tune: traditional Irish melody) (5:40)

Rama satisfies Shabari by accepting her offerings

I am reminded of Shabari when I sing this song.  The old ascetic woman Shabari heard from her guru Matanga Rishi that one day, Sri Rama would appear at the doorstep of her ashrama and bless her so that she could be relieved of her imprisonment in this material world.  She waits patiently for Lord Ramachandra to bless her with His darshan.  Every day, she cleans her ashrama, prepares a comfortable seat, scatters soft, fragrant flowers to cushion his footsteps, gathers clear, fresh drinking water and delicious berries, and looks down the path, expecting her Lord Sri Raghunatha to appear.  When at last He finally does come, she is overwhelmed and overjoyed.  She offers Him water, a nice sitting place and sweet berries.  Although she tastes the berries herself first in order to determine whether they are sweet enough to offer to her beloved Lord, He nonetheless gratefully accepts them and in turn, grants her liberation.

If I must wait ten thousand years
Ere I shall see Thy lotus feet
I'll count my blessings through my tears
Oh noble Rama of wondrous deeds

If I must wait ten thousand years
Ere I shall see Thy lotus face
I'll count my blessings through my tears
And offer Thee my heart's embrace

If I must wait ten thousand years
To see Thy Sita by Thy side
I'll count my blessings through my tears
And at Thy feet pray to reside

If I must wait ten thousand years
Ere I shall come back home to Thee
I'll count my blessings through my tears
And place my head at Thy lotus feet

Track 4   5:40   Ten Thousand Years

Shabari is blessed by Sri Rama

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