Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Ramayana Album

Sri Sri Sita-Rama-Laksmana-Hanuman

Dear Friends,

Please accept my humble pranams.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada who kindly came to the West to remind us of the Lord whom we had all forgotten.  All glories to Lord Sri Krsna who came to this earth to display His transcendental pastimes, including His wonderful lila as the ideal monarch, Lord Sri Ramachandra.

This album is a collection of songs and instrumentals glorifying the earthly pastimes of Lord Sri Raghunatha recorded in the Ramayana.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Ramayana, it is an ancient epic poem written by the sage Valmiki.  It is a lengthy and detailed narration of the pastimes of King Ramachandra (also called Rama or Raghunatha, among many names) who was the emperor of this planet millions of years ago in the age called Treta-yuga.  The explanations given under each song title are meant to give a little background, or to set the stage for the song, if you will.

I pray that you, my dear listeners, will kindly overlook the mistakes I have made while playing the keyboard and guitar, the imperfections in my voice due to my damaged vocal cords and my amateur attempts at recording and engineering.  I hope that, even though this is a funky home-recording, you will somehow be pleased with my humble offering.

May Lord Sri Krishna bless you all with pure loving devotion at His lotus feet, and if you are especially attracted to Lord Rama as I am, I hope that these songs will bring you a little closer to fully uncovering your love for Him in your present lifetime.  May Lord Sri Raghunatha protect you always and everywhere, and engage you in His loving service.

Your well-wishing friend,

Phalini devi dasi

PS  Recently, I added song tracks at the end of each blog post.  You can hear the songs if you have VLC Media Player.  If you do not already have VLC Media Player, you can download it here:

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