Thursday, May 31, 2012

Searching for Sita (6:00)

Rama and Lakshmana search for Sita

Sri Rama, Sita devi and Laksmana have left Chitrakoot and are now living in Panchavati.  They have settled into a routine in Their new home constructed by the expert hands of Laksmana.

One day, Sita sees a magical, shining golden deer near their hermitage.  She points it out to Sri Rama, asking Him to kindly catch it for Her.  Rama enjoins Laksmana to stay at the hermitage to keep watch over Sita, then leaves in pursuit of the deer.

After some time, Sita and Laksmana hear Rama's voice calling to Them for help.  Sita is convinced that Rama is in trouble and begs Laksmana to go to His aid.  Laksmana, on the other hand, understands that the deer is a rakshasa (in fact, he is none other than the rakshasa Maricha in disguise) and has impersonated Rama's voice as a ruse to lure Laksmana away from Sita.  He knows also that Rama is invincible, and could not possibly be in danger.

Sita does not understand.  She becomes angry.  She accuses Laksmana of impure motives.  He is so hurt by Her words that He agrees to go to where Rama is.  He creates a protective shield around the hermitage and instructs Sita not to cross over it for any reason.  Laksmana leaves to go find Rama.

Meanwhile, Ravana, the king of the rakshasas, enters upon the scene disguised as a wandering mendicant.  He is delighted that his plan has worked.  He begs for food from Sita, and intimidating Her with the threat of a curse upon her family, demands that She come outside the protective shield to serve him.  He immediately captures Her and boards his flying chariot with Her screaming and struggling to get free of his clutches.

Rama and Laksmana return to the hermitage to find Sita gone.  They search everywhere, unable to find Her.  The deer are looking toward the south, so Laksmana concludes that this means They should travel southward to find Her.  They set out running through the forest.

On the way, they discover Jatayu, the bird who had promised to protect Sita in the absence of Sri Rama.  Jatayu was lying on the ground, his wings severed from his body.  Bathed in blood, his voice growing weak, he reveals to Rama that Sita devi has been carried off by Ravana, the king of the rakshasas.  Jatayu had fought with Ravana, trying to stop him, but Ravana had cut off his wings and dealt him a fatal blow.  As he lies dying in Rama's arms, Jatayu directs Rama and Laksmana to look for Sita by continuing south.

Farther south, They meet Kabandha, a demigod who was cursed to take the body of a rakshasa.  He had been told that he would be released from the curse when Rama and Laksmana killed him by burying and burning his body.  He would then also have the vision to be able to advise Rama and Laksmana where next to proceed in Their search for Sita devi.  Rama and Laksmana obliged Kabandha, and as he rose from the cremation pit in his heavenly form, bathed in glorious light, he told Rama to go meet Shabari on the bank of Lake Pampa, and then Sugriva who lived in a cave on Rishyamook Hill.  Sugriva, the king of monkeys, would help Rama find Sita.  In parting, Kabandha called out to Rama, "Make an alliance with Sugriva!"


Rama and Laksmana running in the forest
Searching, searching for Sita devi
Rama and Laksmana running through the forest
Calling, calling for Sita devi


Ravana sent Maricha to lure Her
In the form of a golden deer
The deer ran off and Rama chased after
Then "Laksmana!  Help!" Sita did hear

Laksmana knew it was a rakshasa trick
But She insisted that He must go
To save Her Rama.  "Go, Laksmana, quick!"
Laksmana left, but in His heart was woe

Rama and Laksmana running in the forest
Searching, searching for Sita devi
Rama and Laksmana running through the forest
Calling, calling for Sita devi

With Rama and Laksmana now gone away
Ravana came to Sita in disguise
He stole Mother Sita and carried Her away
He took Her to Lanka on a chariot that flies

The golden deer became a rakshasa
Rama had killed it when Laksmana arrived
They both ran back to find Sita missing
"Oh no!" Rama cried, "She may not be alive!"

Rama and Laksmana running in the forest
Searching, searching for Sita devi
Rama and Laksmana running through the forest
Calling, calling for Sita devi

They came upon Jatayu, all broken and struck down
He cried, "Rama, Your Sita's in Ravana's hands, flying towards the south!"

Rama and Laksmana running in the forest...

They came upon Kabandha, who begged Them to take his life
He told Them where to find Sugriva who would help Them find Rama's wife

Rama and Laksmana running in the forest...

Track 3   6:00   Searching for Sita

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