Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Homecoming (4:03)

After the Battle of Lanka, Srimati Sita devi is rejoined with Her husband, Lord Sri Ramacandra.  The monkeys who had lost their lives serving Sri Rama are raised from the dead by Indra, King of Heaven.  Ascending altogether the celebrated aerial car Pushpaka, Sri Sri Sita-Rama-Lakshmana along with Maharaja Vibhishana--the newly crowned king of the Rakshasa race--Hanuman, Sugriva, and the rest of the powerful monkey army who helped Rama conquer Lanka, rise into the sky heading north toward Ayodhya, Sri Rama's ancestral home.  As they course through the sky, Rama points out to Sita devi various places of interest on the earth.  Gesturing downward, He calls to Her attention the great city of Kishkindha, the capital city of Sugriva, the lord of monkeys.  Sita devi, feeling empathy for the emotions of the ladies of Kishkindha, requests that the Pushpaka-vimana be brought down to earth at that spot to gather the wives of those great monkey warriors so that they, too, can come to Ayodhya for a visit along with their glorious husbands.  As the wives of the monkey soldiers happily circumambulate and then board the aircraft, they are intrigued to behold their benefactress, the gracious and lovely princess Sita with lotus-petal eyes.  The travelers resume their journey across the sky with their new passengers aboard.  After some time, they reach the vicinity of the ashrama of Sage Bharadwaja.  Rama directs the vimana to descend there, and sends Hanuman ahead to Nandigrama--two miles from Ayodhya--to assess the mentality of Bharata.  Hanuman returns with good news of Bharata's eagerness to see Rama and return the rulership to Him.  After spending the night with Bharadwaja, the victorious party again rises to the heavens for the last leg of its journey back to Ayodhya.  There, they are greeted with great rejoicing and festivities by all the residents of Ayodhya dhama.  

Track 11   4:03   Homecoming

The Transcendental Trio come home to Ayodhya

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