Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mandodari's Lament (5:07)

Surrounded by more than a thousand co-wives, the famous, chaste Queen Mother Mandodari runs to the battlefield to grieve the death of her infamous and sinful husband Ravana, the lord of the Rakshasas.  She scolds him for having refused to listen to her good counsel, and cries tears of anguish as she laments her husband's nefarious ways.

Beautiful Queen Mandodari laments the death of Ravana

Ravana lay on Sri Lanka's ground
His life now claimed by the shaft of Rama
Mandodari came there to mourn
Full of grief for her fallen lord

My lord, why did you not heed my pleas?
I could see your destruction near!
I begged you, Please do not fight with Rama
Nor torment His wife so dear!

Ravana lay on Sri Lanka's ground
His life now claimed by the shaft of Rama
Mandodari came there to mourn
Full of grief for her fallen lord

Because you were plagued with arrogance
You could not see your destruction near!
Because of your lust and stubbornness
I have nothing left but tears!

Ravana lay on Sri Lanka's ground
His life now claimed by the shaft of Rama
Mandodari came there to mourn
Full of grief for her fallen lord

Track 10   5:07   Mandodari's Lament ("Sgt. McKenzie" melody used with permission)

With her back to the viewer, Mandodari (lower right) is seen tearing her hair while grieving for her husband Ravana 

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