Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Jump, Hanuman! (3:48)

Jump, Hanuman!

Having reached the shore of the sea, the monkeys who were sent to the southern quarter to search out Srimati Sita devi are now faced with an enigma.  Although the great eagle Sampati, the brother of Jatayu, has revealed to them that Sita devi is in Sri Lanka, the monkeys are bewildered as to how to get across the ocean to find her exact whereabouts.  Although they are powerful and can all jump incredible distances, nonetheless, one after another, they admit to each other their inability to accomplish the task of jumping over the ocean and back again.  Jambavan, king of the bears, knows of the dormant powers of Hanuman, which Hanuman has forgotten because of a curse.  He reminds Hanuman that he is the son of the wind-god and that he is destined to do this service for Lord Rama.  As he is reminded of this fact by Jambavan, Hanuman feels his powers return. Jambavan urges Hanuman to jump over the ocean and search for Mother Sita, because he is confident that Hanuman has the energy and strength to jump over to Lanka and then return to their camp on India's southern shore.  The others join Jambavan in encouraging Hanumanji to take up the challenge.

Jump, Hanuman, fly over the ocean!
Jump, Hanuman, sail over the sea!
Jump, Hanuman, fly over the ocean
Jump!  Hanuman, go see!

See if you can find Mother Sita devi
See if you can find Mother Janaki
You're the one who can perform this feat
So jump!  Hanuman, go see!


None of us can jump as far as you
For you are the son of Lord Vayu
To do this is your destiny
So jump!  Hanuman, go see!


We will all be waiting for you
We hope you'll bring us back good news
May you be blessed with victory
Now jump!  Hanuman, go see!


Track 6   3:48   Jump, Hanuman!

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