Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Dear Lord Raghunatha (3:13)

Vibhishana, the younger brother of Ravana, although born in the Rakshasa race, is a devotee of Lord Rama.  In the presence of the other members of Ravana's court, Vibhishana advises his elder brother to return Sita to Rama.  Ravana angrily denounces him, exiling him from his kingdom.  Vibhishana promptly leaves Lanka and travels across the ocean through the air with his four ministers to the presence of Sri Rama, seeking His shelter and desiring to serve the cause of Lord Raghunatha.  As they hover in the air above the army of monkeys, Vibhishana announces himself as the brother of Ravana, rejected by Ravana, and seeking refuge at Rama's feet.  After some discussion between Rama and the foremost of monkeys and bears assembled on the seashore, the Lord accepts Hanuman's assessment that Vibhishana is sincere and without ill motives. 

Vibhishan surrenders to Sri Rama

Sri Rama also vows that anyone who comes to Him for succour will be given protection by Him.  Sri Raghunatha then welcomes Vibhishana, gives him asylum, and christens him the new lord of Lanka.  Ramachandra inquires from Vibhishana about the strength of the Rakshasas and promptly engages him in helping plan how the monkey army can cross the ocean, conquer Lanka and release Srimati Sita devi from the clutches of Ravana.


Sakrd eva prapanno yas
Tavasmiti ca yacate
Abhayam sarvada tasmai
Dadamy etad vratam mama

If one offers to Me just once
His heart with sincere devotion
I vow--As sure as I am Rama--
I'll always give him protection!


My dear Lord Raghunatha,
Although I have forgotten You
For so many long years
In this material world

Today I am surrendering unto You!
I am Your sincere and serious servant
Please engage me in Your service!

My dear Lord Rama
From this day I am Yours!

My dear Lord Rama
From this day I am Yours!

My dear Lord Rama
From this day I am Yours!

Track 8   3:13   My Dear Lord Raghunatha

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