Thursday, May 31, 2012

Farewell to Ayodhya (5:25)

The Transcendental Trio Leave Ayodhya in Sumantra's Chariot

In pursuit of keeping his promise to fulfill the two boons long ago granted to Queen Kaikeyi, Maharaja Dasharatha, the father of Lord Sri Rama, sends his first-born and most beloved son into exile.  At the request of Kaikeyi, Rama is exiled to the Dandakaranya Forest for fourteen years.  Rama's brother Laksmana and His wife Sita devi cannot countenance being separated from Rama for fourteen years.  They both convince Rama to let Them accompany Him during His exile.  The transcendental Threesome depart for the Dandakaranya Forest in a chariot driven by Sumantra, the charioteer of Dasharatha.

They are surrounded by the people of Ayodhya, who are filled with emotions of anger and sadness at the sudden, unexpected banishment and consequent departure of their beloved crown prince Rama, His brother Laksmana and His wife Sita.  This instrumental memorializes the famous scene wherein, after crossing the extensive and beautiful territory of Kosala, and with His face turned toward Ayodhya, Sri Rama joins His palms and addresses the following words to His beloved home, "I take leave of you, O pre-eminent city, carefully protected by King Dasharatha as well as of the deities that protect you and dwell in you.  When the period of my exile in the forest has expired and I have got square with the emperor by executing his command and implementing the promise made by him to Kaikeyi, I shall see you again, united once more with my mother and father."

Farewell to Ayodhya

Sri Rama, Laksmana, and Sita devi then affectionately bid farewell to the Ayodhya-vasis who have followed Them to the end of the country of Kosala.  As the weeping people of Ayodhya watch with dimmed, tear-filled eyes, Sumantra urges the horses on and steers the chariot into the forest.  The people watch until they can see their beloved crown prince no more.

Track 1   Farewell to Ayodhya   5:25

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