Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hanuman (5:31)

This song is about the appearance of Hanuman and his first meeting with Sri Rama and Laksmana.

Sri Hanumanji

Scene I:  Anjana Giri.  Anjana, a heavenly apsara, was somehow cursed to take birth on earth in the form of a female of the simian race.  In her earthly incarnation, she is the wife of the huge and powerful monkey Kesari.  One day, the wind-god sees her and, being magnetically attracted to her, wants to impregnate her.  He implants in her womb a seed which has sprung from the loins of Lord Siva, and which Vayu has been holding in safe-keeping.  Hanumanji is thus born to Anjana.  He immediately grows very large, and very hungry!  Mistaking the sun to be a large fruit, he jumps up into the sky to devour it.  Indra sees this and angrily hurls his thunderbolt weapon at Hanuman to protect Suryadeva.  Hanuman falls down upon a mountain peak, unconscious, the left side of his jaw broken.  His godfather, Lord Vayu (Pavanadeva) immediately rushes to his rescue.  Pavanadeva is so angry that Hanuman has been hurt that he causes the whole universe to suffer from want of air.  The devas hurry to the presence of Brahma to beg his help.  Lord Brahma then goes to see Hanuman.  When Lord Brahma holds Hanuman in his arms, Hanuman regains consciousness and his jaw is healed.  Lord Brahma and the other devas present then confer blessings upon Sri Hanumanji.

Scene II: The base of Rishyamook Hill on the bank of the Pampa Lake.  After blessing Shabari by accepting her service and trekking on toward Rishyamook Hill on the recommendation of the ogre Kabandha, Rama and Laksmana are spotted by the spies of Sugriva, the king of the monkeys.  Sugriva, who, out of fear of his elder brother Vali has secretly taken shelter of Rishyamook Hill and who is always worried for his life due to the threat of being ambushed by his tyrannical brother, sends his most trusted minister Hanuman to find out the identity and motives of the two handsome young wanderers.

Hanuman takes on a human form to learn about Rama and Lakshmana
Hanuman assumes the form of a mendicant and after meeting and conversing with Sri Rama and Laksmana, learns that They have come with the purpose of meeting Sugriva.  Their hope is that Sugriva will help Them find Rama's wife Sita, who has been kidnapped by a rakshasa.  Hanuman forms an alliance with Rama and Laksmana then and there.  Hanuman resumes his gigantic monkey form and with Sri Rama and Laksmana on his shoulders, proceeds to the presence of Sugriva.

Hanuman assumes his huge monkey form, then carries Rama and Laksmana to meet Sugriva

On the full moon day of Chaitra
You were born to Anjana
The beloved son of Pavanadeva
You appeared a vanara

As soon as you were born you
Could jump just like Lord Pavana
You were hungry so you leapt up high
And tried to eat the sun

But Indra became angry
And hurled his thunderbolt
You fell upon a mountain peak
The left side of your jaw broke

Lord Vayu held you in his lap
Lord Brahma, in his arms
The devas blessed you with their gifts
Which added to your charms


Hanuman, the wind-god's powerful son
Hanuman, eternal servant of Rama
Hanuman, your pastimes are so sweet
Your whole life is an offering
To Sri Rama's lotus feet

As a trusted minister to Sugriva
You were sent by him to see
Who were the two young warriors
Who had come to his country

You assumed the form of a brahmana-man
And asked Them who They were
Laksmana replied, "We are sons of
Dasaratha, the emperor.

We've come in search of Sita-devi
The wife of my brother Rama
We were told that Sugriva could help us!"
He explained with folded palms

You assumed your massive monkey form
So eager to please Rama
You offered to carry Them to Sugriva
Upon your mighty arms


Track 5   5:31   Hanuman

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