Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Bridge Song (3:38)

Rama and Laksmana and Their monkey army cross the sea via Sri Rama-setu

At the suggestion of Vibhishana, Rama requests the demigod in charge of the ocean, Varuna deva, to give passage to His army of monkeys and bears.  Varuna deva appears to Rama, submitting to the Lord that He should build a bridge of stones across his waters.  Under the direction and supervision of the powerful monkey Nala, the great simian army of Lord Rama builds Sri Rama-setu, the famous bridge of floating stones.  The name of Lord Sri Rama is etched on every stone, causing them to become buoyant. 

Sri Rama's name was etched on every stone, causing it to float

This celebrated bridge which miraculously spans the ocean from the southern tip of India to Sri Lanka can still be seen today suspended just below the water's surface.

Aerial view of  Rama-setu, the famous bridge of stones built by Lord Rama's monkey army.  The bridge, although built millions of years ago, still exists today, suspended just beneath the surface of the water.

Track 9   3:38   The Bridge Song

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